What a 2017! Thanks and Merry Christmas!
It’s been another big year at PlainSailing.com and – similar to 100% of our customers, who have all been delighted – we have been delighted with the progress we’ve made this year.

From the introduction of Realtime bookings, a massive increase of yachts (so that we have enough boats at each base to satisfy all our customers), the development of a whole new segment for Catamarans, and the introduction of our LiveChat facility, it’s been a busy year!?
And that’s not to mention the fact that we won two awards (one for customer service, and one for being yacht charter specialists), developed the most comprehensive yacht search facility in the market, made stronger ties with all our charter partners, and expanded our UK-based team to include another member of the family!
It’s been a phenomenal year of development which puts us at the cutting edge of yacht charter – making it super easy and convenient to book, pay for and organise your yacht charter.
Now is a great time to thank our staff - who all worked tirelessly, and who genuinely care about each customer – our yacht charter partners – who have been professional and rewarded our trust by providing their own impeccable customer service once our customers arrive at their yachts – and, you, our customers – who have not only trusted us with your bookings, but also spread the word about what a great job we’re doing, and helping us to grow and develop.
2018 already looks like being a BIG year too, as we continue to press on with making finding, booking and chartering a yacht as easy as booking a hotel room.
It’s clear that we’re going to have a busy year: we’ve already seen the strongest sales we’ve ever had by this point of the year – so strong, in fact, that we’ve already almost surpassed the total amount of charter weeks we saw in 2017!
So THANKS to all of you for 2017, and we can’t wait to hear from you all in 2018. We hope you have a very, very merry Christmas (and that Santa brings you everything apart from your own yacht), and an exceptionally successful New Year (ideally, full of sailing and yacht charters!)
Anyways, time for the office Christmas Party, so I’ll go and get into my fancy dress costume! We’re manning the live chat throughout the Christmas period, and the website is always live, so don’t wait till January to book yourself onto a yacht!