Time and Tide Waits for No Man
Writing a blog a couple of times a week doesn’t sound like it should be such an ordeal, but in the busy world in which we live, sometimes the weeks fly by so fast that there is no time to stop, draw breath, and communicate with our customers and partners. The past week has certainly felt like that!

After returning from another business trip to Greece, there’s been so much happening both behind the scenes and over the phones that it has almost literally been all hands on deck!
In Greece, we’re working hard to keep up our excellent relationships with our yacht partners – they’re all hand-picked, and we know that the better we know them, the better service they will give to our customers, and the happier our customers will be. I guess it’s also important for helping to weed out the bad ones – but thankfully, so far, we haven’t found any bad ones. They’re all really nice people, and have been a pleasure to work with.
But our expansion for 2016 isn’t finished there – next week one of our team is heading out to Croatia to meet, greet, test and ultimately sign-up some yacht charter partners over there for next summer. We’ve already exchanged emails and Skyped a few of them, and we’re really looking forwards to getting on the ground over there to take a look at their boats :)
Of course, our team have also been busy processing orders – some of you have booked online, but others still prefer the hotline or email to help us to help them find the right boats and areas for them – which is great, and the customers come first, no matter how busy we are!
All things being well, we’ll have Croatian yachts listed before the end of October, and we’ll be ready for the busy season – our research shows that the majority of you book your summer cruising in November and December. Things keep on developing, so keep watching this space :)