Why is yachting only bad news?
After all the column inches of the #HellOnHighSeas challenge, I did a bit of a google to see what other stories have been making the news: and all of it is pretty dismal, depressing and generally miserable news.

I’m not sure if the fact that there are so few bad-news sailing stories means that they are individually newsworthy, or if there is just a lust for bad news, but you’d be hard pressed to find much encouragement to go sailing based on the current media agenda.
On top of Alex Jones’ “Harrowing” experience, the top articles included the tragic story of the German sailor who was mummified at sea, as well as a horrific accident which took place in Thailand (and which is so bad that I won’t go into here – trust me when I say that you do not want to know), as well as one yachtsman who had been jailed for smuggling cocaine into Hull.
Those looking for light relief might find it in the story of a Scotsman who was jailed for just under 2 years for stealing a yacht and sailing it away – despite never having ever sailed anything before. Unluckily for him, he went out into a Force 8 gale and had to be rescued by a nearby oil-rig. But whilst the bungling nature and audacity of his crime might be mildly interesting, it still classes as more bad news.
So where are the good news stories? Where’s the feel good stories of how a sailor came to the rescue, or of celebrities saying that they had ‘the most amazing time, ever’? Why does no one talk about all the nice things that happen? Do YOU have any good yachting news? Tweet us @plainsailing