WARNING! Boats in Scotland selling out fast!
Warning! Charter boats in Scotland are selling out their 2019 season FAST! Book now to avoid disappointment!

With the Brexit process in turmoil, and it looking more and more likely that flights from the UK to Europe will be grounded come March 29th 2019, there’s never been a better time to leave your whatever-colour passport behind, dive into a car or train, and head up to sail in beautiful Scotland.
It might not have the temperature and sunshine of the Mediterranean, but it more than makes up for it with the peace, tranquility and beauty of the sailing areas. It’s even better in peak season - because there aren’t tens of other holiday boats vying to get into the hottest marina or anchorage in the area, then you don’t need to be in a marina by 1pm to stand a chance of grabbing a berth!
Our favourite sailing area - and where we have our main base of Largs - is in the picturesque Clyde estuary, on the west coast of Scotland, where there’s a decent scattering of quiet and largely unspoilt islands, a handful of incredible fish restaurants (which serve the freshest fish in the UK!), and a fair few whisky distilleries within easy walking distance of a place to stop a boat. The elements make it an interesting place to sail, and there’s a quietfulness about the place that makes relaxing almost mandatory!
All the Brexit drama has gotten people to start thinking about sailing in Scotland again - so much so, that availability in June and July is already looking pretty scarce - so if you want to get a week or weekend of sailing up there in the summer months, you’d better get a move on and get something booked!