UK Green List - Where to sail from May 17th
On May 17th, the UK are re-opening borders and allowing people to go on holidays – we speculate on which countries will be on the Green list.

Excitement is building! It might be another rainy day in the UK, but we’re all looking forwards to days of sunshine, fair weather, and holidays. Tomorrow we’re expecting formal notification that from the 17th May 2021, it will no longer be illegal for people to go on holiday!
It’s not quite as straightforward as just hopping on an aeroplane as holidaymakers will need to be tested for coronavirus both before and after their holiday (even if they have had a vaccine), and there are additional steps (and some form of quarantine) to undertake if the destination country is on the UK’s Amber or Red list. But still, holidays! Sun! Sailing!
The latest intelligence we have on the UK traffic-light scheme is that some of our sailing destinations will only make the Amber list in May – including Croatia, mainland Greece, France, Italy, Turkey and Spain - but there are expectations that all of Europe will be on the Green list before the end of June.
Where to sail from May 17th
*Update* Sadly, all the speculation around the UK Green List from May 17th was wrong - and all sailing destinations will start the summer on the Amber list, which means that some form of self-isolation will be required upon arrival back into the UK.
We are expecting better news when the list is reviewed on 28th May 2021.
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