The season is hotting up!
The season is warming up nicely, and, whilst it might be the time of year where our customers are busy with their salopettes and ski-goggles, if people want to book for later this season, then they’d better get clicking soon!

Firstly, thanks very much to the Manchester Cruising Association - one of our Directors had the pleasure (he genuinely described it as a pleasure!) of presenting slides about how ‘chartering abroad is’ at their most recent meeting, and was astounded by how much they knew about boats!
The session was certainly a success, the MCA were suitably impressed with our ethos and our prices, and hopefully there’ll be an ever-expanding number of Mancunians using our services this season (particularly as flights to/from Zadar are currently as low as £55 return!) – but they’d better be quick!
The season is warming up nicely, and, whilst it might be the time of year where our customers are busy with their salopettes and ski-goggles, if people want to book for later this season, then they’d better get clicking soon: some of our trusted partners are already telling us that they’re completely booked up for certain weeks of the peak season, and others are getting close to full capacity. There’s even one operator who is sold out for a couple of weeks in off-season!
We’ve already got a decent number of bookings for this season. Dubrovnik, the medieval walled-city in Croatia is currently our most popular destination: either because of Game of Thrones being filmed there, or because it’s cheap to get to from London, whilst Corfu and the Ionian isles are currently generating the most heat in Greece.
So if you haven’t booked yet, book now – search, email or call us and we’ll help you to book something to really looking forward to this summer!