The best places to sail in 2024!
Where are THE best places to sail in 2024? These destinations are the places to be!

Another season is upon us, and we’re constantly being asked “what’s hot?” for this summer sailing season. Sailing on a yacht or catamaran anywhere in the sunshine is usually awesome, but there are some destinations that sparkle just that little bit brighter each year.
Based on a review of all of our search and booking data for the 2024 season, the destinations below are the HOTTEST destinations to sail from - the most sought after, the most searched, and the most booked. If you’re going anywhere, these are the places to see, and be seen in!
Best in Croatia: Dubrovnik
Dubrovnik is the hottest of hot destinations again this year, with the most customer searches and bookings, in the most popular country to go sailing in! And it’s easy to see why: Dubrovnik offers a fantastic mix of destinations to island-hop to - including the incredible medieval island town of Korcula - wonderful sailing conditions, plenty of sunshine, idyllic anchorages… it’s also in Croatia’s wine-making territory, so you can step off your yacht or catamaran to do a vineyard tour. Bliss!
Check out our comprehensive destination guide for Dubrovnik to find out more - including a majestic suggested itinerary.
Best in Greece: Athens
After years of people raving about the Ionian islands, this year the tide has turned and Athens, and sailing in the Saronic Gulf, is the most searched place to sail in Greece in 2024. It could be that it's easy to fly into, but it’s more likely that people are there for the great sailing conditions and authentic Greek villages dotted around the islands – sail to Aegina to sample their famous pistachio nuts, or lose yourself on the island of Hydra, where cars haven’t been invented yet!
Check out our comprehensive destination guide for Athens to find out more - including weather conditions and more.
Best in Italy: Sardinia
The most sought after place to sail in Italy in 2024 has been Sardinia – our base in the north-east of the island allows easy access to the stunning Maddalena islands, home of turquoise seas and white sandy beaches. Research has shown that it’s nearly impossible to take a photograph on a boat in this area that is not Instagram-worthy. Plus sunshine, Italian food and wine, cute Italian villages, the Bonifacio strait, the clifftop town of Bonifacio, and much, much more.
Check out our comprehensive destination guide for Sardinia to find out more - including our fabulous suggested itinerary.
Best in the Caribbean: Antigua
There’s been strong demand for sailing in all our bases in the Caribbean – but then, who wouldn’t want to sail in the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands or Grenada…? By a whisker, though, THE most sought after place to sail in 2024 is the fantastic Antigua. You can explore the coastline and compelling history of this exotic island, soaking in the sunshine, and enjoying cocktails made with the local rum. Local sights include Nelson’s Dockyard, the old home of the British Navy.
Check out our comprehensive destination guide for Antigua to find out more - including local history and places to go.
Best in Spain: Palma
THE place to set sail in Spain in 2024 is from Palma, the capital city (and airport) for the island of Mallorca. The island is famous for the exceptional quality of its beaches - where land-lubbers come for fly-and-flop holidays - as well as the sheer number of idyllic calas or places to drop your anchor. There’s clear waters, guaranteed sunshine, and the option of sailing over to historic Menorca (once the unofficial capital of the Med!), and the nature reserve and Marine National Park of Cabrera.
Check out our comprehensive destination guide for Palma to find out more - including a terrific suggested itinerary.