Specialists in 'just' Greece and Croatia!
There are 3 reasons why you won’t find yachts for the Caribbean on our site.

At PlainSailing.com HQ, we regularly get requests to represent yacht charter operators from all over the world – from the Whitsundays in Australia, to the BVI’s in the Caribbean, and much of the rest of the Mediterranean.
We’d love to say YES to all of them, but our commitment to genuine quality for our customers means that we can’t!
Firstly, we’re not one of those monstrous companies offering a billion yachts (at least at first glance), but not one iota of what a good boat looks like: we’ve deliberately curated a list of yacht charter companies that we trust - both in the UK (where lagauge barrier's don't have too much of an effect!) and in Croatia and Greece.
Secondly, we don’t think we can help our customers make the most of their holidays if we don’t know the cruising area really, really well. How can you tell people about the best bays to visit, or unmissable things to see, if you’ve never been there yourself? As far as Greece and Croatia go, (at least) one our team have been sailing in over 95% of the places we charter yachts from. We know the areas and can do so much more than just help you to book a yacht.
Thirdly, Rome wasn’t built in a day: our goal is to be one of the best (and biggest) yacht charter agencies in Croatia and Greece over the coming years, with our customers spreading our amazing services by word of mouth. To get there, we need to be concentrating our energy on making sure that each and every one of our customers is not just satisfied, but genuinely thrilled by the service they get. We think that’s a far better way to spend our energy than in constantly trying to add yachts from all over, and developing an ever expanding network at the expense of our service.
So that's why!