Place to be next week: Corfu
The sailing season has commenced, and we’re all keeping out a keen eye for which places have the best sailing conditions – this week, if you’ve booked a yacht charter to Corfu, you’re in for a real treat!

After a fairly slow start to the season, temperatures (finally) rise above 20 degrees for the whole of the next week - which means it’s warm enough to sail barefoot and with your top off, and to start to get a bit of a tan going on. It means blissful afternoons with a cold drink and basking in the sunshine whilst forgetting all about work, and hate, and elections, and just being.
That’s all fine and well, but if you’re chartering a yacht, it’s not just about sitting on deck: you also want some decent wind in the sails so that you can actually get somewhere without the engine on, and to give you something to mindlessly tweak as you set your course for your next ice cream. Well, winds around Corfu are also set to rise from the gentle breezes this week to a more adventurous (but not too adventurous) 15 knots.
15 knots is enough to get the boat gently heeling, to help everyone find their sea-legs, and, in the right direction, to add a little adrenaline to proceeding as you whip up some speed!
All in all, well done if you’re one of our bookings in Corfu this weekend, and I’m sure you’ll have a blast!