Last chance to submit your 2023 sailing snaps!
Our Sailing Holiday 2023 photo of the season competition is drawing to a close - submit them by the end of October 2023 for your chance to win!

2 weeks to submit your best sailing photo!
We're near the end of the sailing seaosn - and also near the end of our annual Sailing holiday snaps competition! There's just under 2 weeks to get your entry submitted!
Photos need to be submitted before the end of October 2023, either by emailing them in, or sending them or tagging them to us on social media - we're @PlainSailing on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!
Win a huge prize!
As we announced at the start of the season, the prize for the ‘best sailing holiday photo of the season’ competition is a whopping €1,250 towards a weeklong yacht or catamaran charter in the Med or the Caribbean in 2024! It's a huge prize, and we can't wait to start judging!
The winning photo is going to be selected next month, and should ideally feature a minimum of two people (ideally smiling) plus a yacht or catamaran (either on-board or in the background) – with bonus marks if the boat is in some idyllic location, and with some sunshine!
Seen our 'Happy Customer' photos?
Hopefully you have also enjoyed our 'Home Page takeover', with actual holiday snaps we have received from our customers over the summer season!
if you've been following us on social media, then you'll also have been treated to two a week throughout the year. We love seeing what our customers get up to, and coastlines are so beautiful and photogenic in general that it's almost impossible to go on a sailing holiday and not get at least one amazing photo!