How can we Make Waves?
We want to do an old-school PR stunt this summer, and would love to hear your ideas!

We’ve been working hard at boosting our Google ranking, we’ve got advertising in marina’s in Croatia, Greece, England and Scotland, we’ve invested a fair amount in advertising online, and we’ve been contacting every yacht club in England to offer to sponsor events… but the boss wants us to do more - to get out there as a brand name, the boss wants us to do an old-school PR stunt this summer, and has set us the challenge (and promised us extra time off!) of appearing in the national press.
Which is where we need your help! We have a few ideas of things we could do – like a bike-versus-sail race from e.g. Glasgow to the Isle of Man, or from Inverness to Largs – but, whilst being a big challenge for all involved, they’re not all that imaginative. Or we thought about doing some kind of blind-folded sailing challenge, but the boss said that that was a bit reckless, and not great for the brand!
But we think that you, humble email subscribers and blog readers, can help us do better - and if we choose your idea, we’ll donate any proceeds to a charity of your choice.
The challenge should involve a sailing boat, ideally be in Scotland (since we’re making a big push for selling Scottish sailing next season!), should take less than 5 days to complete, and should be something which will capture the imagination of sailors and non-sailors alike.
Send any great ideas to