Heading to Athens!
One of the perks of working for PlainSailing.com is the chance to get out and about on a boat a lot more often than I ever did in my old job – and I love it!

This weekend we’re flying to Athens for a week of glorious 32 degree sunshine, meetings with potential yacht charter partners, and of course, delightful sailing! Our pockets are stuffed with plenty of Euro’s and I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to a ‘work trip’ so much in my entire working life (And I’ve been to quite a few exotic places, let me tell you...!)
The main purpose of the visit is obviously so that we can meet each and every one of our charter partners, have a quick look at the state of their boats, and get them signed up – so that we can offer you, our loyal customers or potential customers, a top-drawer experience for your holidays.
But there should also be plenty of time for some sailing – not least because we have meetings with more charter companies in Skiathos, and because one of our potential partners has offered to take us sailing to Aegina (a beautiful island which is famous for its super-tasty pistachio nuts!)
Next week we’ll also be blogging daily about our experiences, as well as showing you some of the best sights from Greece to whet your appetite to book your yachting holiday to Greece next year.
So wish us luck on our mission, and remember that we’re only doing this for you!
If you’re out sailing next week, have a brilliant week and stay safe – and if you see us, in all our branded clobber, then feel free to come over and have a chat – we’d love to meet you! Or tweet us @plainsailing