Happy Easter!
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of marching out of the office ahead of a bank holiday weekend (with all the optimism and opportunity that that brings), and doubly so at Easter, when we get a double-whammy of bank holidays, regardless of whether or not you actually celebrate Easter.

By celebrate, I mean going to church – not celebrate as in munching your way though as much chocolate as possible - though I think anyone doing either of these will be feeling blessed this Easter.
Easter – like Christmas – is a rare time when you can switch off from work, safe in the knowledge that there aren’t going to be hundreds of emails mounting whilst you are busy cavorting, or riding a bike, or enjoying the Easter rain from the comfort of your own lovely sofa. The chance to breathe, and to slow down from the constant rushing that we do all the rest of the year, and maybe get out on that boat!?
So you to enjoy this down-time, put away your mobile phone for five minutes (the news, or Facebook, or your email isn’t that important) make time to see friends and family and the people that make you happy.
Have a very relaxing break!
PS. And more good news – next week is another four day week :)