Feature on our Homepage!
Share photos of your yacht or catamaran charter with our social media accounts and you could feature on our homepage, and / or win €1,250 towards a 2024 charter!

Easily the best part of this job is hearing fantastic feedback from customers about how brilliant their holidays were, and seeing their best holiday photos - and we’re hoping to bring part of that joy directly to our homepage by making our customers holiday snaps front and centre!
Share your photos with us on socials and...
From mid-May, we’re going to be sharing genuine customer photos on our homepage, replacing the current pretty pictures of yachts and catamarans - so you could log in one day and find yourself looking at your own smiley face!
It’s so simple to share them with us – just tag us on your holiday snaps when you post via social media (we’re @PlainSailing on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) and click to 'follow' us. We’ll repost the nicest ones, and potentially even include them on our homepage!
...feature on our homepage!
We can only feature 3 photos on our homepage, so they have to be a bit special to get there. To have the best chance to feature on our homepage, here’s a few hints and tips of the sort of photos we are looking for:
- Photos of groups of 3+ people, smiling and having fun, ideally on-board, or with a yacht or catamaran in the background or elsewhere in the shot.
- Photos of yachts or catamarans in idyllic / stunning destinations
You don’t have to be a professional model or professional photographer – something taken on a regular smartphone will work well enough!
(We’ll be in touch to ask your permission if we want to feature your photos on our homepage, and might request a better resolution version of the photo).
...win €1,250 towards a 2024 charter!
But it’s not just the chance to feature on the PlainSailing.com Social media or homepage - at the end of the season, we’ll go through all the photos and choose a winning ‘Photo of the season’ from all the photos which have been shared with us - either by a public vote, or by choice from an esteemed panel of judges.
The winning entry will receive a massive €1,250 towards a PlainSailing.com charter in 2024, for any weeklong charter in Croatia, Greece, the rest of the Med, or the Caribbean. If you used the credit early or late in the season, it could cover the whole charter fee – a free sailing holiday!
The winner will be announced in November / December 2023 – good luck!