Charter a foil in Croatia!
Our boss just returned from another fruitful visit to Croatia (Sretan Bozic to our readers and partners over there, by the way!), and mentioned some amazing news: one of our partners in Croatia is currently seriously thinking about adding a foiling yacht to their fleet!

This is great news, as a foil is basically the ultimate plaything for a sailor!
Literally everyone in the office this morning has been salivating over pictures and videos of foiling ships – including that latest footage from Alex Thomson on the Vendee, and we’re all agreed – it looks amazing, and we’d all LOVE to give it a go.
Foiling basically makes you super-rapid across the water because there’s little or no water resistance - the boat literally flies above the water!
Until now, they’ve been the preserve of super-rich, or really hard to get on, so to have one available to charter for a week in Croatia would be a dream come true! It would be AMAZING!
Email us if you’re as excited by this as we are, and we’ll keep you posted!