A perfect week… but we lost the winch handle
This week, we hear from another of our happy customers:

"We’ve just returned from a week of sailing from Split area in Croatia, and have had the times of our lives! We had a fantastic week, with the only low point being when we lost a winch-handle over the side of the boat on the last day! Thankfully, that only cost us 35 euro to replace, but it’s almost worth it as it gives us a lifelong mickey-taking of the guy that was on the helm at the time!"
"We set off from Marina Kastela with the ambition of heading to Hvar (for starters), to see the Blue cave at Bisevo, and to explore the islands in between. There’s surely no one that can’t enjoy sailing like this - there is literally nothing not to be happy about (even my teenage son would have difficulty in finding fault with it!): The weather was a perfect 25 degrees, the water was crystal clear (and nearly warm), there’s nothing quite as relaxing on a boat under sail, the local food was amazing, and, to top it all off, we had a great crew!"
"Hvar has an amazing view from the fortress, so it’s a place I’d definitely recommend to any or everyone. We also found the cutest little restaurant – and I mean little: it only had ten seats! – where they cooked up something exquisite."
"We have all loved the week away from our hectic lives, and we’ll definitely be booking again with PlainSailing.com next year!"